
Optimising Core Web Vitals for SEO

  With 2021 closing in on us, we at  The Online Marketing Guru  decided to shift our focus to fresh market trends. Today’s hot topic is the  Core Web Vitals . While they are nothing new to web experts, most business owners may not be aware of their importance. Like most of Google’s policies, you will find  Core Web Vitals'  direct link with user experience, which is undoubtedly the ranking factor in the coming year. So, heads up! If you fail proper search engine optimisation, it may cause you trouble. Your best bet is to be either well-versed in the techniques for ethical business ranking or bring in someone who is. Those who are up-to-date with Google’s wish to update the algorithm are already optimising based on the user-experience angle. Those who are new to it, fret not for we will clear most of your queries. Using Core Web Vitals to Measure Performance When you’re doing online business, a simple method that retains your value to your audience is pa...